Sunday, January 27, 2008

He likes spicy!

Today for lunch, TP's Daddy made spicy chicken soup with ho fun noodles which consisted of chicken fried in birds eye chilli's and a whole host of other ingredients that only TP's Daddy knows. He made the soup not realising that TP would be partaking so it wasn't made any calmer for little mouths, so I have to say I was quite nervous about giving it to TP.

No need to worry, he wolfed down the chicken and loved the noodles too, he kept sticking his tongue out so I think it may have been a bit hot but he was fine. TP had a special way to eat his noodles too, he grabbed them in his hand and sucked it into his mouth!

Over-paranoid Mummy still gave TP raspberry yoghurt for afters just incase his mouth was hot. :D

Anyway, he's basically been off his food for the last week or so but he's definately found his appetite again.


Kat - Housewife Confidential said...


Thought I'd leave you a comment as I like to get them! Sounds like TP does really well. My DD loves spice - so much so I had to double the spice of my mild curry!

Kat x

Lisa said...

Its nice to see that someone other than me has read my blog lol! :D

Life through the Slim Lens said...

Wow, that's really amazing. Even the slightest hint of hotness for Bruno and he's screaming the place down - in the middle of bella pasta once with meatballs which was bad. Thank god milk is the antidote to chilli :o)

Lisa said...

Sour cream works a treat too! :) And mmm to Bella Pasta, I used to love it there.