Saturday, March 15, 2008


Already bored of giving TP the same breakfasts and trying to let him enjoy a range of new tastes last week we tried home-made pikelets for the first time. Pikelets, you know, those flat crumpets. I found a recipe for them and thought, I can do those and although they didn't come out looking like shop bought, they tasted rather yummy and TP agreed, he even tried to steal mine!

The recipe for the pikelets is below, the original recipe called for 1/4 cup of sugar which I found made them far too sweet, obviously if you want to add it you can but they taste much better without in my opinion.

Pikelets - makes approx 10 large

1 Egg
3/4 cup of milk
1 cup of standard white flour - I used organic plain, I think white bread flour would work too
1 tsp of baking powder
1/4 tsp lo-salt
25g (1oz) melted butter - I used unsalted. Butter is optional but highly recommended!

Put the flour (recipe calls for sifted - I didn't and it was ok!), salt & baking powder in a bowl
Beat the egg (and sugar if adding) until thick and then add the milk
Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and stir then add the melted butter
Mix carefully until smooth (I did it all in my food mixer)
Drop tablespoon fulls of mixture into a lightly oiled (think pancakes) pan or griddle and let cook over a medium heat until a few bubbles appear on top and burst, then turn over with a spatula and cook on the other side until golden brown.

Serve with butter, cream cheese, jam or whatever you fancy! There is no reason why you couldn't make double quantities and freeze.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Catch up!

It's been ages since I posted anything so here's a quick catch up.

TP's Nanna & Grandad came to visit last week from Sunderland who he hadn't seen since September and my oh my did he make up for it! He was showing them every trick he could do and kept pulling a face I had never seen before, it was so funny like a little showing off face as if to say, "Look what I can do Nanna!" and fluttering his eyelashes at them. Anyway, it was a lovely week and we won't see them again until June for TP's birthday so we'll miss them alot, but kind of scary that the next time we will see them TP will be 1!! Where has the time gone?

Food has been a litte off the menu these past couple of weeks due to teething I think, well brekkie & lunch have been off but TP's seems to be favouring dinner at the moment! Nanna & Grandad were VERY impressed with TP's eating skills and he joined us a couple of times when we ate out last week but only to nibble on a cheese panini or half a chip (ooOO naughty Mummy!!).

We're still not crawling forwards but the safety gates have been installed due to TP's great skill of speed rolling, if it were an olympic event he would win gold that I have no doubt! So with the new rolling skill and the fact we have a HUGE tv unit with all kinds of consoles and tv equipment in it we've put up a Babydan barrier to prevent little fingers pushing buttons. Everytime you turn around, he seemed to be at the tv unit so now its all locked away - for how long I'm not so sure!

TP turned 9 months yesterday and I think he must be having a growth spurt or something, he fed almost every hour last night so needless to say ended up in bed with us, saying that he seems to always end up in bed with us lately (lazy Mummy!!) but at least we both get some sleep that way, even if he does hog the bed!

Well, TP's having a lovely nap now so I'm off to catch up on the housework and ironing and all that really exciting stuff that we only get to do during nap times!